How to Prevent Leukemia

Leukemia is actually a very tricky disease that may be very hard to diagnose at early stages, but there are certain cautionary measures that can be undertaken to prevent the disease. These measures will also have to do with changes in one's lifestyle. People are actually advised to avoid exposing themselves to herbicides, insecticides and other chemicals to reduce the risks of contacting the disease.

Medics have also argued that Leukemia, in some cases, may be in the genes of a particular bloodline. If there is a history of Leukemia in one's lineage, there is a high chance of striking a member of the same lineage. It is also necessary to see a doctor for check-up if one notices exaggerated weight loss. Medics also argue that people who exercise regularly have low chances of developing the leukemia.

Though prevention of Leukemia is hard, diet can contribute greatly to its appearance. Societies where junk and fatty foods are not in common have reduced chances of experiencing Leukemia prevalence. If a person has been experiencing some disorders of blood, chances are higher that he may also be at risk of contracting Leukemia. It is thus necessary that such a person seeks medical advice as early as possible.

Any chronic health condition may be very hard to bear, and most people have a problem when asked to see a doctor quite often, especially when they are not sick. Leukemia is a disease that Prevention from its penetration or adverse effects is possible, only when the condition is detected early.

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Syed Muzaffar Aqleem Tirmizi - EzineArticles Expert Author

Leukemia Treatment With Green Tea?

Chronic lymphocyte leukemia is the most common subtype of leukemia in the United States. It is presently an incurable disease. Unlike most other types of cancer in which early diagnosis increases the probability that a patient can be cured, treatment with cytotoxic chemotherapy is associated with increased toxicity but no increase in patient survival.

Despite this grim fact, there is good news. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology has shown patients with chronic lymphocyte leukemia in a phase one study, had a reduction of their lymphocyte in 33 % of participant. By doing so, the team of cancer researchers from the State University of New Jersey, established a positive link between green tea and a potential treatment of leukemia.

Several epidemiological studies have demonstrated that the consumption of green tea decreased the risk of cancer. Furthermore, prevention of the apparition of a tumor in animal models by tea, supported its ability to interfere with basic cancer processes, like angiogenesis and inflammation.

Green tea in a pill is still a long way off before the Food and Drug Administration approves this to be prescribed by your oncologist. By counting the phase 2 and the phase 3 studies, we are talking about 4 to 5 years before commercialization if all went well. And I am not bring the cost of these pills.

A tasty drink made with inexpensive ingredient, tea bought from the local market could sidestep many of these concerns. After all, food is the one medicine that we seem quite willing to take at least three times a day.

Want to find more about green tea go to functional food green tea.

Yanick Bertand PhD has a passion to educate people in the fight against cancer. Through his many years of research on biological impacts to cancer, Yanick Bertand has discovered that a reaction occurs when we fight cancer with nutritional elements - such as the food that we eat. In his research on the fight against cancer, Yanick has come across critical information that is not known by the general public. It is Yanick's desire to educate the public on how they can help fight cancer.

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Effective Leukemia Treatment

Leukemia leads to a reduction of white blood cells in the body system. Leukemia can thus be treated by way of ensuring that the body increases the White blood cells count. Leukemia can also be treated just by use of the same methods as used to treat cancer.

Chemotherapy is one such way, though this may take too much time. In fact, treatment using this method can take a period of not less than two years. Another way of treating the condition is by fixing the bone marrow problem. This method is expensive and is done in very few countries since it involves use of sophisticated instruments and highly experienced medics.

Replacement of the infected bone marrow with a healthy one is what it entails. A radiation therapy is also recommended though this has to go hand in hand with chemotherapy. Radiation entails giving doses of x-ray for a couple of months.

In cases where there is overproduction of White blood cells, there may be some blood infections. This may lead to blood disorders, and hence become necessary to use antibiotics to fight the problem.

If leukemia is at early stages, one can prolong survival with active immunotherapy. This is however still being experimented, as it is reported by Leukemia Society of America. Leukemia is actually a chronic problem and its treatment is not a matter of a short duration of time. Patience is thus of paramount importance. Cases of complete eradication using the above mentioned methods have been reported worldwide.

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Syed Muzaffar Aqleem Tirmizi - EzineArticles Expert Author

Benzene and Leukemia Information

Benzene Leukemia Exposure

Benzene exposure has been linked in numerous studies to causing leukemia. Exposure to benzene and the development of leukemia or benzene related leukemia have been highly publicized over the recent years. Statistcs are showing that there are approximatly, 10,000 benzene related leukemia deaths per year in the US alone.

Benzene Information

Benzene is a known carcinogen in humans and causes benzene related cancer. Breathing benzene vapors may cause immediate death and other exposures to the chemical have been linked to various forms of leukemia, most notably Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML).

Interesting Benzene Leukemia Facts

1. The use of benzene as a solvent was banned in the United States more then 20 years ago.

2. Benzene ranks # 6 on the CERCLA Hazerdous Substance List.

3. Almost 300,000 people per year are exposed to benzene in the workplace.

Benzene Leukemia Side Effects

Benzene is a known carcinogen in humans and causes benzene related cancer. Breathing benzene vapors may cause immediate death and other exposures to the chemical have been linked to various forms of leukemia, most notably Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML).

Acute Benzene Side Effects

Acute (short-term) exposure will commonly be associated with the following benzene side effects:

1. Irritation of the eyes and skin

2. Irritation of the nose and throat

3. Dizziness and lightheadedness

4. Headache and vomiting

5. Convulsions and coma

6. Rapid heart beat

7. Sudden death

Chronic Benzene Side Effects

Chronic (long-term) exposure will commonly be associated with the following benzene side effects:

1. Benzene Cancer

2. Leukemia, most notably Acute Myelogenous Leukemia

3. Reproductive harm (teratogen - an agent that can cause malformations of an embryo or fetus)

4. Drying and scaling of the skin

5. Damage to blood cells? aplastic anemia

Is there a medical test to show whether I have been exposed to benzene?

Several tests can show if you have been exposed to benzene. There is test for measuring benzene in the breath; this test must be done shortly after exposure. Benzene can also be measured in the blood, however, since benzene disappears rapidly from the blood, measurements are accurate only for recent exposures.

In the body, benzene is converted to products called metabolites. Certain metabolites can be measured in the urine. However, this test must be done shortly after exposure and is not a reliable indicator of how much benzene you have been exposed to, since the metabolites may be present in urine from other sources.

Other Benzene Leukemia Resources

If you or a family member have been diagnosed with benzene related leukemia there are many helpful resources on the Internet. Most notably, The Leukemia Society and The Benzene Leukemia Orginization.

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Statistic Information on Leukemia

Leukemia is a cancerous disease caused by abnormal activity of stem cells (immature cells that originate in the bone marrow). There are two main types of leukemia - myelogenous and lymphocytic (according to the type of cells involved), which can be further classified in two categories – acute and chronic.
Acute leukemia is characterized by the rapid multiplication of partially developed, functionless cells. These abnormal cells accumulate inside the bone marrow or in the blood stream, interfering with the activity of normal, healthy cells. People with acute leukemia also suffer from anemia, which is caused by a pronounced decrease in the number of red blood cells. Leukemia sufferers also have a deficit of healthy white cells, which have a vital role in fighting against infections. In addition, acute leukemia affects the body’s production of platelets, which have an important role in blood coagulation (they speed up the healing of open wounds).
Chronic leukemia also causes serious impairments at cellular level, triggering an overproduction of abnormal cells. However, unlike acute leukemia, chronic forms of the disease allow the affected cells to reach more advanced stages of development. Thus, chronic leukemia has a slower rate of progression.
The annual prevalence of leukemia among the population of the United States is around 31.000 new cases. Leukemia has the highest incidence in older adults, commonly affecting people with ages over 60. However, there are certain types of leukemia that predominantly affect children. For instance, acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) is responsible for causing more than 80 percent of overall childhood leukemia cases.
In adults, the most common types of leukemia are acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Acute myelogenous leukemia accounts for more than 10.000 new cases each year, while chronic lymphocytic leukemia is responsible for causing around 8.000 new annual cases.
Leukemia has the highest incidence in the male gender. Statistics indicate that more than 56 percent of annual leukemia cases are diagnosed in men. Although it can be seen in all ethnical groups, leukemia predominantly affects Caucasian white people. The annual incidence of leukemia is lower in African Americans, while American Indians and Hispanics rarely develop the disease. Similarly, leukemia is rarely seen in Asian people.
The most common type of leukemia among children aged 3-15 is acute lymphocytic leukemia. Due to the fact that acute lymphocytic leukemia predominantly affects children, it is referred to as childhood leukemia. Childhood leukemia rarely affects children younger than 3 or with ages over 15. Despite the fact that modern medicine doesn’t hold the cure for childhood leukemia, the medical treatments and therapies available nowadays can slow down the progression of the disease and in some cases, they can even overcome leukemia completely. The annual morbidity rate of leukemia among young patients has known a considerable decrease in the last two decades. Thanks to modern medical equipment, leukemia can be timely diagnosed, allowing prompt medical intervention. Nowadays, early diagnosis and new approaches in medical treatment can considerably extend patients’ life-expectancy, thus increasing the chances of complete recovery.
You can find great pieces of inforation on different leukemia subjects like chronic leukemia, acute leukemia and many more visit
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